War of Omens


  From the mobile game War of Omens, my customer asked for a full costume head to toe.  The cloak was satin stitched with the trim design and incorporated the hidden metris symbol.  The tunic was made as one piece rather then multiple to simplify wear, reduce weight and heat while at the convention.  Simple pants were made to match the costume and boots were purchased to help bring the costume together.  The belt and bag were some of the most fun to make as I needed to cast the belt end, buckle and bag details.  This was my first time trying casting out but they came out quite well to me.  The buckle was difficult because I needed to put in an existing buckle to keep the piece functional as well as strong.  Finally a broach was sculpted and secured to the body of the garment with a broach clip completing the costume.  

  The costume was made for Pax West in Seattle.  If you happened to get a picture of it let me know as I would love to get a picture.